Psalm 93

Your statutes stand firm. Holiness adorns your house, Lord, forever more.

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Psalm 93:5
Dear Lord, tonight, as I drift to sleep, I am reminded of Your might. You are more fantastic and vaster than the sea. Your voice is more commanding than thunder. Yet, You are not only powerful… You are also good… Good to me and to the world… Tonight I put my trust in that goodness and power. I can have assurance in Your words and confidence in Your ways because You have been faithful since the beginning of days. I will not waver tonight; instead, I will praise. I will worship Your wonderful name. As I descend into the night’s embrace, keep me anchored in Your love and grace. You reign, Lord Jesus, over the heavens and earth. I pray You would also reign in my mind tonight and take every thought captive. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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