Psalm 92

For you, oh Lord, have made me glad through your work. I will triumph in the works of your hands.

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Psalm 92:4
Dear Lord, You are my Refuge and Delight. In the morning, Your steadfast love is before me. In the evening, as my eyes grow heavy and my mind wanders, I consider Your faithfulness. I want my life to be a song of praise to You - a ballad of blessing and an anthem against anxiety. I want to be like that cedar tree planted in Your courts, leaves teeming with life and vitality. I want my roots to dig deep into You, causing fruit to bear from my branches even in old age. Surround me with Your righteousness, Lord, so that I can endure life’s struggles. Clothe me in the whole armor of God, so I can run and not grow weary, fight and not faint, and praise even amid persecution. Tonight, as my sighs of supplication turn to dozing breaths, root me in You so I can continue to praise You forevermore. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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