Psalm 88

I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up. While I suffer your terrors, I am distracted.

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Psalm 88:15
Dear God, I pray tonight for strength. This life is filled with blessings, for which I am abundantly thankful. However, this life also brings strife; my soul can feel the sting of sin and shame. There are times when it all feels too heavy for me, Lord. That is why I take heart in knowing I do not have to bear these burdens alone. Before I sleep, I seek to cast my cares upon You, for I know You care for me. You have not shunned me in my weariness nor forsaken me in my time of need. You sent Your son to suffer, so our separation would be buried. I can confidently speak to You, knowing You will give rest to the heavy laden. Give me rest tonight, Lord. Relieve me from my distress. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
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