Psalm 149

Praise Yahweh! Sing to The Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the saints.

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Psalm 149:1
My beloved Father God, as I lay my head to rest, my soul cries out to You, the Great I Am, the one who reigns forever. I come before You, not as a mighty king, but as a humble servant, grateful for Your unending grace and mercy. I pray that Your presence and Spirit surround me, filling my heart with gratitude instead of entitlement. Father, I thank You for the Lord Jesus Christ, who died upon the cross for my sins, as the ultimate sacrifice. By his precious blood, I have been redeemed, I have been saved, and I am free. I pray that my soul will not forget the goodness of Your salvation and the power of the love You have shown to me. And now, in Your great mercy and love, I ask that You watch over me as I rest. Keep me nestled in Your presence, enfolded by Your grace, that I may wake up renewed, refreshed, and empowered to stand steadfast in Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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