Psalm 148

Praise The Lord from the heavens! Praise him in the heights!

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Psalm 148:1
Dear Heavenly Father, as I prepare to lay my head upon the pillow, I am reminded of the great marvels that You have created, for You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the bright and morning star. Oh Lord, Your creation is a testimony to Your boundless wisdom and Your everlasting love. Father, Your creation is a symphony of majesty; every element is meticulously placed, every color perfectly coordinated, and every motion choreographed to praise Your name. Lord, I ask that at this moment, You would envelop me in a peace that surpasses all understanding and would sustain me through every night, and bring me renewed strength each morning. Thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your creation, endless love, and for Your abounding grace. In the matchless name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
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