Psalm 147

Praise The Lord, for it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant and fitting to praise him.

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Psalm 147:1
Dear Lord, I am convinced that You are powerful enough to heal my heart and bind up the broken parts of my life. You are the one who holds the firmament in Your hands. You send the rain to fall on parched land. You set the course of the winds and halt the tide. What doubt should I have in You? You are faithful! I place hope and assurance in Your work on the cross, love for humanity, and attention to my needs. I will wait, trust, and praise You in the midst of struggle. Whatever course You choose for my life will be for my good and Your glory. Give me wisdom tonight, and may I rest in Your plans. As I wait patiently for You to provide, allow me enough sleep to tackle the new day. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
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