Psalm 142

I cried to The Lord with my voice. With my voice, I made supplication to God.

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Psalm 142:1
Heavenly Father, tonight I pray to You with a quieted voice and hushed soul. I am weak and weary from the day and need deep rest. When the wear and tear of the week accumulates, I trust in the God who rejuvenates. Your word declares that You are a refuge for the weary and care for the souls of the weak. I call upon those promises tonight and ask for a heavy sleep. Draw out a sigh of relief from me like water from a deep well. Release me from the tension of the week’s troubles. Bring me out of the hardened ground and raise me into Your peaceful presence. I trust that You will respond, for You are a good God. Gentle, kind, and filled with compassion. I pray these things with trust, love, and devotion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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