Psalm 141

Lord, I have called on you. Come to me quickly! Listen to my voice when I call to you.

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Psalm 141:1
Dear Lord, I pray that You would set a guard over my heart tonight. When bitterness boils up within me, settle me down and put me on higher ground. I pray that I would rest assured that justice is Yours and that I do not need to fight against foolish people. Ease my troubled mind and make me content in You. Relieve me from this burden of bitterness and release the anchor of animosity. I want to sleep soundly, free from frenetic anger. Rebuke me when my heart bends towards hatred. Comfort me with Your disciplining rod and guiding staff. I trust that tomorrow will bring new challenges and opportunities to lean on Your grace and extend that grace to others. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
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