Psalm 138

I will give you thanks with my whole heart. Before the gods, I will sing praises to you.

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Psalm 138:1
Dear God, as I lay myself down to sleep, I pray for Your loving protection. In these times of uncertainty and trouble, I need Your steadfast guidance to preserve me. I ask that You watch over me throughout the night, and fill my dreams with the peace and comfort that only You can provide. When the storms of life rage around me, help me to remember Your presence. Help me see the beauty in the thunder and lightning, how the rain washes the earth clean, and how the wind carries away my worries. Even in times of danger, let me find strength in knowing that You are always with me. When the darkness threatens to overtake me, let Your light shine through. May Your love and protection surround me like a warm blanket in the biting cold. And when I wake in the morning, renewed and refreshed, let my first words be words of gratitude, praising You for the simple joys of life.
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