Psalm 135

Praise The Lord, for He is good. Sing praises to his name, for that is pleasant.

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Psalm 135:3
Dear God, as I enter the peaceful sanctuary of sleep, I find comfort in knowing that You are always there to watch over me. Just as You led the Israelites out of Egypt with a mighty hand, You have guided me through the ups and downs of life with an unwavering love that endures all things. The darkness of the night reminds me of the darkness that once enveloped the people of Israel, but You were a guiding light that shone amid their darkness. May Your light continue to guide me and illuminate my path so that I may always walk in Your ways and do Your will. Just as You brought the Israelites through the Red Sea and into a new land of promise, I trust that You will continue to guide me through the challenges and trials that lie ahead. May Your hand be upon me and Your love surround me constantly. Thank You for Your faithfulness, for Your enduring love that never fails, and for the peace You give as I rest in Your embrace. I trust You, I love You, and I praise You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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