Psalm 133

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!

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Psalm 133:1
Dear Lord, tonight I am grateful for unity with You. The chasm between You and me has been bridged through Your love and sacrifice on the cross. I take great comfort and delight in that unity, yearning for more of it every day. I am also grateful for the unity and friendship built between those who love You. By Your infinite wisdom and through Your Spirit, You have forged a people able to persevere through any persecution. You have created a community of conviction and forged friendships through the fires of adversity. Nothing can stand against Your people when they are unified. The gates of hell will not prevail against people who call upon Your power. Tonight, I am delighted that there are fellow believers in my life. I am refreshed by the church You’ve built and the people You’ve placed in my life to uphold me. When I am weak, I know I can lean on them. I pray You would empower me to be a pillar of strength in my community and an ambassador of blessing. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
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