Psalm 124

If it had not been The Lord who was on our side, let Israel now say...

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Psalm 124:1
Precious God, tonight I am in awe of Your power and personal presence in people’s lives. Although mountains melt at Your words and seas split at Your command, You still take time to bend down and bless us. The presence of Your Spirit gives me solace and solvency amid difficulty. I can lay down and release the tension in my shoulders, knowing that You will not give me up to the enemy or allow me to fall. I can trust that although I am vulnerable, You are my protector. Even though I am weak, You make me a conqueror. If You were not on my side, I would have cause to be afraid. But since You are on my side, my body can sink into my bed free from fear. Continue to reveal Your good nature, and remind me of Your power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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