Psalm 111

The works of his hands are truth and justice. All his precepts are sure.

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Psalm 111:7
Dear God, I come before You tonight humbly, recognizing that I am in constant need of You. I pray for serenity and sober thoughts, knowing that my desires and fears often cloud my mind. Help me to see clearly and to have the strength to resist temptation. I also ask for a healthy fear of You, Lord. May I always remember that You are in control and that my decisions have consequences. May this fear keep me from straying down a path of lawlessness that leads me away from Your love. And finally, I ask for wisdom. May I seek Your guidance in every decision I make, and may I be open to the lessons You have for me. Thank You, God, for Your steadfast love and Your unending grace. I trust in You and know that You will guide me always. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
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