Psalm 107

Let the redeemed by The Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from the hand of the adversary.

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Psalm 107:2
Dear God, as I ease my head into my pillow to pray, I humbly ask for Your calming presence to fill my chaotic soul. My heart is heavy, and my mind is burdened with worries, fears, and doubts. I long for Your soft touch to soothe my restless mind and grant me the peace that surpasses all understanding. I feel lost in this darkness, and I can't find the way out on my own. But I know that You are the light that leads me to safety. I ask that You guide me out of this storm and into the serenity of Your loving embrace. May the weight of my troubles be lifted from my shoulders, and may I find rest in You. Give me the strength to trust in Your endless mercy and to walk with faith through whatever struggles may come. May Your gentle voice whisper words of grace and love into my ear as I rest at Your feet. For You are the source of all goodness and truth, and I find my peace in You. May Your light shine upon me and lead me to the quiet rest that only You can give. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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